Saturday, December 02, 2006

Results of the Pima County GOP Elections

Just a quick letter to make sure that we get this in before Sonoran Alliance.


Judi White ran unopposed

1st Vice Chair

Meg Econ defeated Ginny Jensen

2nd Vice Chair

James Kaucher ran unopposed

3rd Vice Chair

Parralee Schneider ran unopposed

4th Vice Chair

Randy Graf ran unopposed


Paula Maxwell ran unopposed


Victor Williams ran unopposed


19 people ran the following 5 were elected:

Pos Catsaros
Carol Summers
Heather Hagge
Dorothy Shanahan
Linda White

Overall, a good mix of liberal, moderate and conservative representation for the county. Hopefully they can put a winning strategy in place.

Expect more coverage of the Lisa James appearance over at Sonoran Alliance. I've got non-denominational winter holiday lights to put up. :)


Touchdown said...

I don't see no liberals. The Exec Cmtee doesn't set policy, so I don't think it is as big a deal what their views are as long as they can get people active and get the county working effectively.

Anonymous said...

The executive committee “doesn’t set policy” Then what do they do?

“as long as they can get people active and get the county working effectively.” Let’s hope they are more effective than the last time they spent time and money on the Tucson elections so that Dunbar and Ronstadt could loose big time.

Anonymous said...

Why do we need to rehash and rehash the past City election. The REAL skinny: Fred didn't really want the job as he had
serious family responsibilities and Kathleen shot HERSELF in the foot with tantrums! The Central Committee worked very hard to keep the seats. Let us go forward with the positive and togetherness...
we'll reach the mountain yop again!!

Anonymous said...

OOOps! That was mountain TOPS!! El Typo!!

Anonymous said...

The City elections are worth re-hashing so that the party doesn’t make the same mistake again. (I didn’t even get around to Vernon Walker.)

If the County Party is going to get involved in the City elections they should make sure there is a winning candidate on the ticket. They might have a chance in Ward 2 if there is a solid Republican running.

Hopefully the party will also spend some time developing the rest of the county outside of the city and not exhaust all their resources on the Tucson election.

Bruce P. Murchison said...

While I may not agree politically with some of the elected officials, I know most of them well and believe they will make a good team heading into the next political season. They have all been kind to me in my campaign and I believe they will work hard to promote decent candidates.